Estacionamento Martim Moniz Praça Martim Moniz, 1100-341 Lisboa

Estacionamento Martim Moniz

269 Avaliações
  • quinta-feiraAberto 24 horas
  • sexta-feiraAberto 24 horas
  • sábadoAberto 24 horas
  • domingoAberto 24 horas
  • segunda-feiraAberto 24 horas
  • terça-feiraAberto 24 horas
  • quarta-feiraAberto 24 horas
Estacionamento Martim Moniz Praça Martim Moniz, 1100-341 Lisboa

Sobre o Negócio

Agora Desentop | Rápido, Profissional e com Garantia! | Precisa de Desentupimento Rápido, Profissional e com Garantia? Toque no primeiro botão da página!


Ligue para nós
Praça Martim Moniz, 1100-341 Lisboa


  • quinta-feiraAberto 24 horas
  • sexta-feiraAberto 24 horas
  • sábadoAberto 24 horas
  • domingoAberto 24 horas
  • segunda-feiraAberto 24 horas
  • terça-feiraAberto 24 horas
  • quarta-feiraAberto 24 horas


  • Entrada acessível a pessoas em cadeiras de rodas
  • Com estacionamento acessível a pessoas em cadeiras de rodas

Avaliações recomendadas

Camille Septsault
Estacionamento Martim Moniz
Absolutely scandalous, I was choked by the guardian's attitude. Someone in front of us was stuck there, offered all payment options she had ; PayPal, credit card, ids for debt file, phone number, asked for any solutions cause she couldn't withdraw money as she explained .... the guy wouldn't let her out nor find any solution (was 17€). She had a kid in the car too just for your information... no comment. Stuck here for a while trying to discuss i see the guy wasn't going to help, so we, as customers were forced to help her out and we paid for her because it was all so ridiculous honestly.... It is always astonishing to me that enormous companies never have any solutions when obviously recurring problems happen, and that it always the customers who have to make the last effort to meet their lack of organization or assistance. The fact that the price for 24 hours parking is 158€ but this parking company cant invest in a card machine leaves me speechless. The fact the guy here for assistance is not formed nor equipped for problem resolution is pathetic, a simple certificate of indebtedness, with the car's plate, an ID or anything... just unbelievable....Other detail: No price at the entrance, by the time you find the price sign, your 5 minutes are up and you have to pay at the machine to get out, but you cant use credit card at all so you look for the change in your pocket and better have some otherwise you'll just have to actually park and get cash out cause the guy holding the parking is just as human as a machine.

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Praça Martim Moniz, 1100-341 Lisboa
Estacionamento Martim Moniz